Payroll - Get the most out of talent

Have you found the perfect candidate? Hand over employership with payroll. We take over the salary administration and legal employership from you.

Payroll offers various benefits for both employer and employee. The main advantages are:

- The personnel administration is taken over by us.
- Quickly scale up and down when it gets more or less busy within your organization.
- Salary payment is correct and on time.
- The personnel costs are clear up front.

Besides temping, we also provide …

Recruitment & selection

Looking for permanent employees? Invest in talented individuals and find out how we recruit and select the right co-workers for your organisation.


Respond efficiently to ups and downs in workload or when ramping up for a new project with temping staff.

On-site management

Our ‘On-site Solutions’ means we come to you. We work alongside you in-house and ensure our partnership runs even more smoothly.

Staff training & professional development with MyPath

How can you ensure your staff acquire the skills they’ll need and find the job satisfaction they’re looking for? By investing in their training and professional development using MyPath. That’s how!